While She Sleeps müssen die anstehenden Konzerte für dieses Jahr absagen. SängerLoz hat Probleme mit der Stimme und muss unters Messer. Wir wünschen gute Besserung und hoffen, die Band in alter Frische auf der Tour mit Bullet For My Valentine im Februar 2014 wiederzusehen!
Hier das offizielle Statement der Band:
„So yesterday we found out some pretty big news which initially we all felt very negative about, but it’s something we can’t avoid and have to look for the positives in.
Loz has been having vocal problems over the last few months. After repeat trips to specialists and further assessment by the local hospital it’s been decided he will have throat surgery in the coming weeks. Because of this we are forced to take a break from touring and fix this before we can continue. On this basis we won’t be able to play our upcoming shows in Japan or in Sheffield for Xmas, we are gutted that this is the case but unfortunately this time its out of our control and we have to do whats right for Loz. To get a refund on your ticket please contact the point of sale and they can arrange for you.
We’ve toured relentlessly for the last few years and this is just one of the repercussions, we’ve always done everything we could to never cancel shows or disappoint anyone, but this has now developed into a situation where we have to take things very seriously and fix them before they could develop further, and potentially compromise the band’s ability to record & tour in the coming years.
Everyone is incredibly gutted to be forced to pull out of our upcoming dates and we can’t apologize enough to those who bought tickets to the shows. We promise we will come back and we promise we’ll keep everyone updated this progresses.
What we do is a real thing, and real things break after a while. They take you by surprise and sometimes fuck things up, but we are finding the positives in this & promise it will result in bigger, better things. Just give us a little time. Another thing to remember is that this is a totally solvable problem, Loz will be fine we just have to give his voice the attention it deserves.
Thank you to everyone who supports our band, we are truly grateful.“
Sleeps xxxxxx“