Auf brucespringsteen.net wurden für das kommende Jahr ein neues Album und eine Tour angekündigt!!
„A lot of you have been hearing that Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band will be on tour in 2012. That is absolutely correct. The European dates run from the middle of May until end of July and are being announced this week. Info on the US dates and the World tour dates will coming up shortly.
In addition, we want you to know that the music is almost done (but still untitled), we have almost settled on the release date (but not quite yet), and that we are all incredibly excited about everything that we’re planning for 2012. That’s all the info we have for right now, but we’ll get back to you–real soon.“
Bisher sind Dates in England rausgehauen worden, Daumen drücken, dass auch hierzulande schön viel aufm Programm steht!